Having Problems Logging In?
Check to see if any POP-UPS were blocked. Pop-ups *MUST* be allowed for logging in
The password for your Columbia UNI may be different than the one you set up for your Barnard account
If you need to change your password or set up DUO multifactor authentication, please visit uni.columbia.edu for assistance
If you have problems logging in, try using a different web browser
Newly Admitted First Year, Transfer, Visiting, & VISP Students
Congratulations on being admitted to Barnard! You will receive an email from Barnard Admissions (or International Student Services) with information about how to activate your Barnard & Columbia login accounts when they are ready (in late May for the Fall, or late December for the Spring).
Students requesting to return to the College after a Leave of Absence
If you cannot log in with your UNI, please visit uni.columbia.edu to reset your password.
If the password reset form doesn't work for you, please see the page linked above for how to contact CUIT for assistance.